disclaimer: Polaris wellness booster

The Polaris Wellness Booster (Polaris) is a wellness device designed to assist with emotional rebalancing, self-regulation and natural healing processes. The Polaris uses a magnetic convertor to convert frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) frequencies into a pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF). Because it uses extremely low frequencies, microcurrent therapy is body-friendly and is not known to disrupt, shut down, or cause shock or injury to the body's systems. It gently enables the body to restore function and get back into balance. It stimulates your body's natural healing and rebalancing process.

PEMF is a type of intervention that promotes cellular communication, which in turn enhances self-healing and wellness. iCare devices are small units that may sit on a customer’s lap while the audio of frequencies are ran through an electronic tablet or smartphone. These frequencies are not audible when the unit is plugged in.

Cellular communication is critical to the body’s adaptation and regulation processes, which help to maintain overall health and deal with the symptoms and causes of cell deterioration and dysfunction. Every organ in the body has its own bio-electromagnetic field, and every single cell in the body communicates via electromagnetic signals, or fields, at the overall rate of trillions of chemical reactions per second.

In order to maintain balance and sustain good health, all of the body’s organs, tissues and subsystems require precise communications to effectively process these instantaneous exchanges. When these critical communication exchanges are disrupted or blocked, individuals any experience negative symptoms. Microcurrent impulses allow us to communicate with the brain in its own language to stimulate healing and rebalance in a natural way. PEMF-based Electromagnetic technology helps the body better self-regulate, adapt, and heal naturally. It helps to align to body and neuropathways so the brain can work better.

Frequency specific microcurrent therapies are supported by observation and anecdotal data collated by many physicians and investigators, but they have not been proven by double-blind placebo-controlled studies. All biofeedback and bioregulation provided fall within the scope of practice for licensed mental health practitioners in the State of Wyoming.

These interventions are relatively low risk, less than 5% of clients experience side effects, when administered and complied properly. However, as with any therapeutic wellness intervention, there is always a risk of idiosyncratic unpredictable adverse side effects. The most common FSM side effects are a relaxed floaty feeling, tiredness, and local skin irritation.

Delayed onset pain may become present if an infection exists after an anti-inflammation protocol is used for this reason, clients with an active infection must be prescribed and taking antibiotics as directed by a doctor.

Chronic pain symptoms often represent an imbalance in the complex interrelated components of all systems of the human body. There are many factors involved in chronic pain including but not limited to physical trauma, tissue damage or disruption, dietary factors, genetic predisposition and vulnerability, physical, environmental, toxic, infectious or inflammatory factors, psycho-emotional stress and trauma, malnutrition, and spiritual disharmony. At Northern Star Counseling, chronic pain clients are required to be seen by a chronic pain specialist in order to implement PEMF and/or FSM. Referrals to outside entities may be made if it is determined to be in the best interest of client(s).

I acknowledge I have been duly informed the potential risks and rewards of the Polaris Wellness Booster and PEMF interventions. I am aware that Northern Star does not bill insurance for FSM and/or PEMF. I understand that the Polaris Wellness device, PEMF and FSM do not make any claims of being able to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition or disease and I understand that the use of frequencies as a therapeutic tool has not been evaluated by the FDA. Custom Care microcurrent units have been approved by the FDA and are categorized in the classification with TENS units. Custom Care units are for in office use only and solely use microcurrent not PEMF.

Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) are generators that produce a DC pulsed electromagnetic field of varying strengths delivered via insulated cables. No current of any kind comes into contact with the body. The magnetic field energy produced at the cable passes freely through living tissue for the purpose of cellular exercise to promote and support a sense of well-being. It is not a medical device. The Polaris Wellness Booster has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended for the diagnosis, treatment, or cure of any physical, mental health or medical condition, you should seek the advice of a medical professional before using PEMF as a form of cellular exercise if you so choose.

Advisories and Warnings
The Polaris Wellness Booster is intended to only be used with the customer whose health history has been reviewed and approved by trained Northern Star Counseling staff. It is not intended to be used on other family members, friends, neighbors etc. The Polaris Wellness Booster may interfere with readings from cardiac monitors (EKG, Holter monitor).

The Polaris Wellness Booster is NOT to be used is the customer is
- Pregnant
- Organ Transplant Recipient
- In a pain management program
- Has a Pace Maker
- Has an internal diabetic or pain pump
- Has an untreated infection
- Has a new physical injury/open wound
- Has Fibromyalgia
- Has an uncontrolled seizure disorder
- Has a cancer diagnosis
- Has any cardio vascular medical condition (including but not limited to blood clots, Statins, DVT, pulmonary embolism, congestive heart failure, etc)

Keep the Polaris Wellness Booster dry at all times.