Harness Your Wellness!

The Polaris Wellness Booster helps you conveniently and consistently target health needs and reach wellness goals, effectively healing, restoring, and strengthening systems in your body, whenever and wherever you want!

 …the pathways to whole-body wellness can be illusive, ineffective, or just plain inconvenient

Leading some to suffer the consequences of ill health:

  • Chronic, long-term health issues

  • Medication dependency

  • Pain/Recurring or further injury

  • Surgery

  • Lowered-metabolism

  • Cognitive decline

  • Aging

  • Emotional imbalance


What if you could…

navigate your own health journey by taking control of your physical, emotional and mental well-being from the comfort of your home.


• Stay on top of your health day-to-day,

• Focus on whole-body, holistic wellness

• Aim toward preventative, root-cause care

• Enjoy a body that functions like it’s supposed to

Introducing the Polaris Wellness Booster

by Northern Star Counseling

The Polaris Wellness Booster is a personal wellness device, used in the comfort of your own home, to stimulate your body's cellular communication processes.


What is the Polaris?

The Polaris Wellness Booster (Polaris) is a therapeutic wellness device that restores and enhances physical and mental vitality. It is designed to assist with emotional rebalancing, self-regulation, and the body’s innate healing processes. The Polaris helps you conveniently and consistently target health needs and reach wellness goals––effectively healing, restoring, and strengthening systems in your body, whenever and wherever you want!

How does it work?

The Polaris uses specific microcurrent frequencies to target various cells and micro-vessels in your body to initiate reset, repair, and healing. The Polaris delivers the microcurrent through a painless, pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) that stimulates cells and tissues to naturally promote healing, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health and wellness.


The Northern Star Approach:


Mental health is an important part of overall health, but it’s not the only aspect of health. Whole-body health looks at the body holistically, starting at the cellular level. We embrace the interconnectedness of our bodily systems, helping to ensure that your whole self feels good inside and out.

We bring the therapeutic relationship into whole-body wellness. We use PEMF therapy in conjunction with and complimentary to mental health therapy; working together through personal obstacles and individual health goals.  

The Polaris isn’t just a wellness device, it’s a team with you at the helm. We help you take charge of your own healing and preventative health measures. It’s not just about getting better, it’s about health maintenance and having overall emotional, physical, and mental vitality.


If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration

– Nikola Tesla

The Polaris Wellness Booster is a therapeutic wellness device that restores and enhances physical and mental vitality using customizable, microcurrent PEMF Therapy.


Step 1:

Complete A Health History & Goals Questionnaire


Step 2:

Received a Personalized Consult w/ Tailored Protocols


Step 3:

Harness Your Wellness


What is PEMF Therapy?

The Polaris uses a magnetic converter to convert Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) frequencies into a Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF). PEMF Therapy is a non-invasive, drug-free, bioelectric therapy that delivers natural, healing frequencies to your cells. 

Frequencies are electrical pulses that vary by the rate at which they vibrate. As an electrical organism, your body has its own vibrational frequency. Your brain, heart, cells and other organs are all electrically active. In conventional medicine, we measure this activity through things like EEG’s (brain), EKG’s (heart), and MRI’s (cells). These electrical pulses are also the ways in which our cells communicate. 

Cellular communication is critical to the body’s overall health. In order to maintain balance and sustain good health, all of the body’s organs, tissues and subsystems require precise communications to effectively process instantaneous exchanges. When these critical communication exchanges are disrupted or blocked, individuals may experience negative symptoms. 

The frequencies from PEMF Therapy increase energy production in the cells in order to stimulate change; the specific frequencies are then like a special language telling your cells what to do. Microcurrent is one of the few methods that allow us to "speak" directly to cells and communicate with the brain in its own language. PEMF therapy helps the body to self-regulate and targets cellular function to accelerate healing, renewal and balance. It helps align your body’s neuropathways so the brain can work better.

How does Northern Star use frequency therapy?

PEMF is a type of intervention that promotes cellular communication, which in turn enhances self-healing and wellness. It is a non-invasive technology that is often used in combination with other wellness modalities. At Northern Star, we use frequency therapy to alter or correct electrical communication to promote healing and restoration. We do this in client sessions with specific microcurrents in conjunction with other therapeutic treatment modalities. However, at-home frequency therapy is available to clients via the Polaris Wellness Booster. 

The Polaris Wellness Booster is a personal wellness device, used in the comfort of your own home, to stimulate your body's cellular communication processes. Our devices are small units that can sit on your lap while the audio of frequencies are run through an electronic tablet or smartphone. We create customized protocols (frequency sets) to meet individual wellness goals. These frequencies are not audible when the unit is plugged in, but target various cells and cellular function to initiate healing, repair and revitalization.

Because the Polaris uses extremely low frequencies, microcurrent therapy is body-friendly and is not known to disrupt, shut down, or cause shock or injury to the body's systems. It gently enables the body to restore function and get back into balance. It stimulates your body's natural healing and rebalancing process. PEMF has a long history of use for a wide range of health conditions such as pain relief, improved circulation, better sleep, reduced inflammation, bone healing, and improved overall energy and vitality.


Restore and enhance your physical and mental vitality using customizable, microcurrent PEMF Therapy!

  • Safe

  • Natural

  • Non-invasive

  • Drug-free

  • Easy-to-Use

  • Portable

  • Customizable

  • Long-term use

  • Improved health in minutes

  • Calmness/body calm

  • Whole-family wellness

  • Restore joy and empathy

  • Regulate emotions and mood

  • Diminish anxiety and depression

  • Release resentment and guilt

  • Stimulate rational, organized thinking and focus

  • Harness mental sharpness

  • Tolerate distress

  • Improve resilience

  • Increase deep, nourishing sleep

  • Stimulate energy, performance and productivity

  • Boost your immunity

  • Promote overall gut health

  • Regenerate your body’s innate healing process

  • Bolster hormonal balance

  • Improve sexual performance

  • Revitalizes the cells w/out invasive drugs or surgery

  • Target pain and inflammation (and related inflammation-type illness)

  • Optimize muscle tone and recovery

  • Feel younger and slow the aging process

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Potential side effects of using the Polaris Wellness Booster include body tingling, an endorphin rush, lightheadedness and nausea.

  • No. There are no reports of problems associated with excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields using microcurrent frequencies.

  • o. The results you receive from the Polaris are consistent and replicable.

  • No. Although the Polaris Wellness Booster may help to provide information about a new or undiagnosed condition such as an active infection or vestibular injury.

  • That’s ok! Everyone’s sensitivity to electromagnetic fields varies. So while some people feel an intense tingling, others feel nothing. You can control the intensity of the field by adjusting the volume of your device. Just because you cannot physically feel the frequencies does not mean they aren’t working.

  • Call us so we can help! Most likely, if you are not feeling relief, a different protocol needs to be used to target the root of the problem. If you are still not satisfied within 30 days, we will refund your money.

  • Absolutely! From the first discovery call to on demand yearly consults, we are here as part of your wellness team.

Advisories and Warnings:

The Polaris Wellness Booster is intended to only be used with a customer whose health history has been reviewed and approved by trained Northern Star Counseling staff. It is not intended to be used on other family members, friends, neighbors, etc. The Polaris Wellness Booster may interfere with readings from cardiac monitors (EKG, Holter Monitor, etc.)

The Polaris Wellness device, PEMF and FSM do not make any claims of being able to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition or disease. The use of frequencies as a therapeutic tool has not been evaluated by the FDA. Read our Disclaimer here.